Experienced trademark attorneys prepare and file your application.
Access personalized legal advice tailored to your unique needs.
Our trademark monitoring reports those infringing on your mark.
A registered trademark provides legal protection for your business name, logo, or slogan and prevents others from using it. It’s an important step to secure your brand’s identity and protect what you’ve built.
Benefits of trademark registration:
Legally protect your mark: Get exclusive rights to your brand and prevent others from using it.
Boost credibility: Use the ® symbol to show your business is officially registered and legitimate.
Avoid future roadblocks: A registered trademark increases the value of your brand, making it easier to defend and sell if needed.
+ USPTO filing fees
✓ Custom trademark search of federal and common law databases for exact match and similar marks
✓ One-on-one consultation with a licensed U.S. trademark attorney before filing
✓ Trademark class and description prepared by a trademark lawyer
✓ Filing of your trademark application with the USPTO signed off by a trademark attorney
✓ Attorney-crafted trademark assignment and cease & desist letter templates to enforce your trademark
✓ Lifetime customer support (phone, chat & email)
Feature details
Answer a few simple questions about your business and the trademark you want to protect.
Attorneys will conduct a detailed trademark search to make sure your name, logo, or slogan is available for registration, reducing the risk of rejection.
Your legal paperwork is professionally prepared and submitted to the USPTO. You’ll have full visibility into the process and peace of mind knowing it’s in good hands.
Trademark filings can be complicated, and errors can cost thousands of dollars in fees to refile. Navigate the registration process with attorney guidance. Everything is handled—no forms to figure out, no legal language to decipher. The heavy lifting is done while you focus on building your brand.
Trademark applications are rejected when they aren’t done right, which can mean costly delays. With experienced attorneys leading the way, your chances of getting it approved the first time are increased.
Swyft Legal attorneys provide personalized, one-on-one consultations to address your unique needs and challenges.
A trademark is a legal way to protect your business’s name, logo, or slogan by registering it with the USPTO. It ensures exclusive rights to use that branding in commerce.
Registering your trademark gives you legal rights and makes it easier to defend your brand if someone else tries to copy it.
If you want both your logo and name protected separately, you will need to file two applications. We can guide you through that process.
The USPTO charges $250 to $350 per class of goods or services. Our attorney-assisted service, which includes trademark registration, attorney calls, and application review, costs $249 plus USPTO fees. Filing with a traditional attorney registration service can cost up to $2,000 plus USPTO fees.
Your brand is worth protecting. Start the process now with help from experienced trademark attorneys.