Trademark Assignment

A Trademark Assignment allows for a transfer of all rights and interest in a trademark from the current owner to the new owner. A trademark can be a word, symbol, design, or even a phrase.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you forget to sign the Trademark Assignment when transferring your company, for example, your trademark rights will be terminated. This implies that your new company won’t be able to assume any rights to the trademark. To retain your trademark, you will need to apply for it again, as if applying for a new trademark. Unfortunately, if you are not quick enough, you could lose your trademark entirely if someone else beat you to it.

By signing this document, the assignor affirms that they will take all the necessary actions to execute the trademark transfer to the assignee. One of the things left to do is to change the trademark registration with the relevant government agency. After that, the trademark will have completely transferred to the new owner.

If you plan to register your trademark in a foreign country, it’s necessary to have a notary public notarize the signatures on the Trademark Assignment. Otherwise, it is not mandatory to notarize it to make the transfer legally accepted within the US. Of course, there is no harm done if you decide to notarize the trademark transfer, which can only make it more bulletproof.