Generally speaking, this is not the best idea. Small companies usually take this approach, but it is not recommended for the annual meetings and other formal meetings of a larger corporation, and definitely not for public companies.
Sometimes a meeting that was meant to happen needs to be rescheduled. And while you might be tempted to notify relevant parties about the reschedule via phone or email, a formal notice is better. Just make sure that you reschedule the meeting with enough time for everyone to attend.
A Waiver of Notice of Meeting is used by a meeting participant to agree that they don’t have to receive an official notice of the meeting, i.e. waiving the Notice of Meeting. This waiver must be received in writing form.
If a compulsory attendee isn’t properly notified of the meeting, it may be ground to invalidate the meeting and what took place in the meeting. Alternatively, you can obtain a waiver in lieu of sending out Notices of Meeting.
A corporate resolution outlines all the significant decisions that the board of directors made in a corporate meeting. The resolution is binding and usually filed together with the Meeting Minutes.