A bill and an invoice may be considered the same but that is not always the case. The main differences are:
Bills are the sum of all invoices due. A seller that issues multiple invoices to a customer can also send a bill that indicates the total due.
To the layman, a bill and an invoice may be interchangeable.
Some industries favor bills over invoices, which include accountancy and law.
While invoices are traditionally printed and physically sent to customers, businesses are adopting electronic invoicing at a rapid pace. By content, e-invoices are the same as printed invoices but with certain advantages:
Reduction of paper use, which saves money and helps to portray the company as eco-friendly.
E-invoices are not prone to physical damage
Easier to sort and reproduce
Quicker data collection
Easier to audit
There are several e-invoicing standards, including UBL and EDIFACT. Digital invoices can be sent via an app, web page, or email.
A purchase order is created by a company as a request for goods and services from a vendor. After receiving a purchase order, a vendor would deliver the goods and services ordered and asks for payment with an invoice. A purchase order would contain similar information as the invoice, including the:
date when the PO is issued
information of the issuer of the PO
information of the vendor receiving the PO
delivery address
delivery date
description of goods and services
quantity and unit and total costs
payment terms