Yes. You can choose any number of individuals or organizations to be agents. However, keep in mind that you must have separate forms for all of them. Moreover, these must be people you trust to make sound medical decisions for your child.
An agent can be any person or an organization that you choose. That said, even if your child spends a lot of time with a babysitter, you don’t have to authorize them to be an agent.
Basically, you decide how much authority you want to give to an agent. They may even be able to decide that surgery or a blood transfusion is the best option for your child if a Child Medical Consent previously stated that.
If you, as a parent, or a legal guardian, don’t have a Child Medical Consent and your child gets injured, health experts might not be able to make important medical decisions on your behalf. Moreover, you risk experiencing stress and frustration for not being able to help your child right away.
If there isn’t an agent who will make sound medical decisions for an injured child, there might be a delay in treating this child.